March, 2008

  1. Close, but no Cigar

    March 30, 2008 by MyEye

    Today Kip bombed only the Stand for Exam.  Again he sat.  His need to see faces is difficult to overcome — it took a lot of heeling practice to get him to sit at my side instead of swinging out where he could look up at me.  We have a couple of matches scheduled before a 3-day (indoor) show over Mothers’ Day, and our show obedience class starts up again on Thursday.  So we’ll be ready, but it would have been nice to earn legs under two Judges that I really like.  I need to finish Kip’s CD so I can show him in Open and enter Inca in Novice over Labor Day — another 3-day obedience weekend.  I know Inca will entertain the crowd though I’ll not pretend I’m able to predict what she’ll do.

    The Chase puppy will debut at the Mothers’ Day shows (2 days).  I hope he makes people smile as much as Kip does — or maybe I hope he makes ’em cry . . .

  2. It Was Probably Entertaining From Outside the Ring

    March 29, 2008 by MyEye

    Oh, Mr. Kip!  I dearly love this happy little dog, but this happy little dog dearly loves others who have passed through his life.  One of those people was today’s obedience judge.  He hadn’t seen her for a year, so I thought we might be okay.  We went into the ring and prepared for the “heel on leash”.  The judge said “Are you ready?”  I looked down to make sure my dog was ready just as he snapped his head around to look at the judge.  He stretched his neck and had his ears at high alert, and his tail started wagging.  The judge said, “He recognized me.”  I said, “Yes, he did.”  So, then I waited for the other shoe to drop — what would he do?

    His heel on leash was really good, his Figure-8 was perfect.  His stand for exam — there it was.  As the judge came toward him he wagged violently.  When she touched his head, he looked up into her eyes and continued to stare at her face as she reached toward his shoulders and rear.  He couldn’t do that without sitting.  Sigh.  On the heel free, at the “fast” command, he ran joyfully ahead of me, circled back and came to perfect heel position.  Sigh.  On the recall, he followed me across the ring.  Sigh.

    Perfect long sit and down.  Guess you had to be there to appreciate the energy he puts into every performance.  Before we left the ring the judge gave Kip the tummy rub he craved.  Tomorrow’s judge is a stranger (though she judged him last fall in Rally).  I wonder if he’ll revert to being the great little obedience dog that owns me?

    On the plus side, I’m always glad to donate money to our local dog clubs . . .

  3. WAIT . . . . please

    March 27, 2008 by MyEye


    This is the weekend.  Kip and I are entered in our first two obedience trials to earn legs toward his CD.  It’s a German Shepherd Specialty show with all breed obedience and rally.  We’ve been training in our Club building, but these shows are in a park (about 3/4 of a mile from my home).  So, we’ve been going to the park every day to practice in all the distractions that parks offer.  One of our READ children came by Tuesday — had to hug Kip and watch.  That was difficult for him to ignore.  Today some sneaky Parks and Recreation employee turned on the sprinklers while we were practicing a recall — there’s a test!  Though neither of those things will probably happen at the trial, there will be something — one of his doggy buddies will be next to him on the long sit and down, or I’ll drop him where some child lost part of a hot dog.  Kip, WAIT, please!

  4. It’s Too Early

    March 24, 2008 by MyEye

    peach-blossoms2-easter-2008.jpg  We’ve had a few days of sunshine with temperatures in the high 60’s.  That was just too much temptation for my little peach tree.  So, the flowers are out — but we’ll have at least two more freezes before it’s really spring.  In a good year, this little tree is so prolific that come July I watch for my neighbors to drive away, and I leave bags of peaches on their front porches — like foundling babies.  The Children Youth & Families Department has yet to catch up with me.   None of the other neighbors has ratted me out either.  I take bags of fruit to dog training classes, friends come pick bags to take home.  However, given the foolhardy blooming of the little tree, we may not have to worry about the distribution system this summer.

  5. Do You Know Where Your Children Are?

    March 23, 2008 by MyEye

    brock-angela-adrienne-in-disneyland.jpgMy kids just emailed me a photo from a cell phone.  Here are Brock, Angela, and Granddaughter Adrienne at Disneyland.  It’s spring break and the big kids surprised the little kid by flying to California to play for a few days.  It looks like the sun is shining and the weather’s great.  I know they’re all having fun.  Maybe they’ll go to Knott’s Berry Farm and bring me some jam!adrienne-disneyland-3-23-08.jpg

    Adrienne is the apple of Grandma’s eye — you can see why.  She’s more than just another pretty face.  She has a wicked sense of humor, loves the dogs, and is definitely a fashion statement.  Since she’s the only one, she’d better be good!