Shampoo-In Fat Remover

March 20, 2008

It’s looking a lot like summer — 70 degrees and sunny skies.  That means it’s time to dig out the sleeveless tops.  They look okay under a blazer or a big shirt with a skirt or slacks.  Unfortunately they don’t look okay if the extra me isn’t covered up.  I hate dieting, I hate exercise.  I hate regimented anything.  I know better — I just hate it.  So, I’m cruising the body wash section of Target.  I think it’s time for one of the big cosmetic companies (Revlon, Avon, L’Oreal) to market a shampoo-in fat remover (“SIFR”).  Stand in the shower, lather up all over with SIFR, wait an hour and wash away the extra pounds.  Why is this product not being promoted, is it still in R & D?  No help from Google . . .

  1. Jean from NM says:

    Oh my Lord, do I ever need this!!!!! If you don’t find any, let’s get a group of investors together and develop the SIFR. We’ll be rich!!!! We can all retire!!! We can buy land in Oregon!!!!!

  2. C-Myste says:

    Have land in Oregon. Still need SIFR. Not up to sleeveless time here yet, but it is coming!

  3. Shelley says:

    When you find it please send 2 cases by XPress Post (to heck with the cost!!)