Time to say goodbye

March 21, 2008

Nike left us on Wednesday.  In 1991 my elder son began dating the woman who would become his wife.  The first Christmas they spent together included the gift of a tiny Dalmatian puppy that Debi, a runner, named Nike.  On Christmas Eve that year the puppy escaped from the dog-proofed yard (dog-proofed for Brautigan the German Shepherd — not for a tiny puppy).  We spent the Christmas holiday putting up posters, calling the radio stations, going door to door in the neighborhood.  A day after Christmas, Debi knocked on a door and when the person opened it, a little dalmatian puppy was there.  The one blue eye/one brown eye made identification pretty easy.

Debi gathered up the puppy and took her home.  From that day until this past Wednesday, Nike was their running companion, office dog, house guardian, and all-around special girl.  She had slowed down considerably during the past year, was finding it more difficult to get up, having some bladder problems, but still waited every day for Marc and Debi to come home so she could greet them.

Tuesday she had a seizure from which she did not recover.  On Wednesday morning, with a lingering head pat and a gentle tummy rub, she was on her way to the Rainbow Bridge.  She went with the dignity and love she had exhibited from the time she was born.  Nike will always be at my son and daughter-in-law’s home, always be one of my favorite granddogs.  Goodbye Nike, girl.

  1. Lolly kohn Fox says:

    Nike was some lucky dog to have received the attention, love and caring of Debi & Marc! What a wonderful tribute Marc’s Mom wrote. God bless you for giving her a special home.