a April 30th, 2008

  1. Let’s hit the road

    April 30, 2008 by MyEye

    Friday morning (really early) Kip and I, and Karen and her Bryce are headed for Tulsa (some 605 miles each way).  She’s competing Saturday and Sunday in canine freestyle (requires more coordination than I can muster).  Kip will be trying his nose at the Indian Nations Tracking Test on Sunday.  It seems as if, whenever I’m trying to leave town, my clients become creative and present me with problems to solve.  So I’ll have a late night tonight and a really busy tomorrow.  I’m sure this builds character.

     We’ll take the laptop along and post a whoopee if we pass.  As soon as we return on Monday night, Kip must get brushed up on obedience.  Yep!  The last time was not enough fun, so he’s entered for three days in a row in Novice Obedience over Mothers Day weekend.  Two of those days, Chase is also entered in the 6-9 month puppy dog class.  Of course both classes are scheduled for the exact same time, and my assisting handler’s dogs are also entered in classes that begin in synch with Kip’s and Chase’s.  Murphy was asleep when all the great things were falling into place for the tracking test, but he’s definitely working overtime now!

    So, we’re off to see the wizard — well, it is near Kansas.