Looking Back – The German Shepherds

July 8, 2008

It all started with German Shepherd Dogs.  My parents had three when I was born and it took me a long time to figure out there were other breeds.  It was a lot like learning there was a political party other than Democrat.  When I was married in 1967, the next logical step was to get a German Shepherd Dog — and so we did.  She had a lot of health problems with which we lived for many years.  Along the way, we got some better dogs and then bred some even better dogs.  A divorce, a move, law school, traveling and for a long time, I had no dogs.  I bought a townhome.  When I was ready to again have a dog, I opted for a portable German Shepherd — the Cardigan.

This is a photo of Steamer with me in 1977.  He taught me that the girls live to be loved, but the boys worship you.  He was such a gentleman in the house, always the willing companion, a discriminating guardian.  My sons were his children.  He is buried in the backyard of the old Victorian home near downtown Albuquerque.  Steamer will always epitomize the perfect dog.



  1. C-Myste says:

    When one local GSD breeder was labeled a “dog fancier” he was quick to retort “No, I’m a GERMAN SHEPHERD fancier.” Many are quite Chauvinistic about their chosen breed.

    Glad that you made the switch 😉

  2. Shelley says:

    That is a great photo. But you have to admit, its much easier to hold a Corgi on your lap!

  3. Emily says:

    As a kid, I dreamed of a GSD. Now that I own my comical Cardis, I’m glad I followed my brain, and heart in choosing my perfect breed. All my serious breed research as a kid, really paid off.

    I can’t stand whiners, and I’ve met very few GSDs who didn’t whine, and ‘talk’ about everything! LOL