Summer Camp

July 14, 2008

Chase is still with Sherri at Camp Hurst south of Houston.  I’m pretending he is learning to swim and to play “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” on the harmonica.  I spoke with Sherri this morning and that is not what our puppy is learning.  He apparently thinks he’s a big hot-shot stud dog, prancing around with his tail and his nose in the air.  He adjusted well to the bedlam at the Dallas and San Antonio shows, and is now ready (we hope) to perform under similar noisy conditions at the Bluebonnet shows in Houston this week.

If he’s very good, he can come home for the three weeks between Houston and the Topeka shows.  (If he’s very, very good, he can come home to stay.)  We have peaches ripening so he can blow his normal diet by eating windfall.  It will also give him the opportunity to terrorize Kip and Inca who are quite certain he has permanently returned to Oregon.

 . . . missing my puppy . . .