a August 15th, 2008

  1. So, if you don’t mind, it’s now Champion Chase

    August 15, 2008 by MyEye

    Our Chase-puppy finished his championship this evening at the Three Trails Cardigan Welsh Corgi Specialty as Best of Winners for another five point major.  The Judge was Candace Kramer.  He is now Champion C-Myste Baledwr Pursuit of Happiness.   He’ll be home Monday night and we’ll be out in the fields by next weekend.  This little guy loves to track.  We’ve lost two months of training time with this conformation stuff (note: tongue-in-cheek), but he’s only nine months old.  Before long, he’ll be appearing at a test or trial near you.

    I cannot say enough good things about the way that Sherri Hurst handled and loved our puppy.  She brought him along exactly the way he needed to be brought along.  This is the only time I have ever sent a dog out with a handler, but I will not hesitate to send him with her again.  She’s quite simply the best in our book.  Thank you so much, Sherri.

    . . . and for the thousandth time, thank you to Tom and Carolyn Cannon who let me bring Chase home to New Mexico.  He has a beautiful body — all well and good — but more important for the long haul — he has a beautiful mind.

    I also want to recognize Chase’s co-breeders, Mandy Katasse and Jennifer Kramer.  Thanks to Shelley Camm who made Hunter available for the long distance romance with Alice.  That liaison produced the “Constitution Litter”.  Chase’s siblings Pilot (Free to Disagree), Libby (Liberty), and Molly (Free Speech) are all pointed.

    For those of you who watched this litter on the C-Myste puppy cam, Chase was “Ikey” — the littlest puppy of the original ten.

  2. Chase at the Topeka Kennel Club (1)

    August 15, 2008 by MyEye

    Holy cow!  Our Chase-puppy went Winners Dog, Best of Winners, and then Best of Breed — this time for a five-point major.  He needs one more point to finish and I am so excited!  I’m not sure if I’m excited because he and Sherri are doing so well, or because he might get to come home on Monday.  There will be photos.

    Thank you, Sherri.  Thank you, Dr. Harry Smith.

    More holy cows!  Little Chase was placed fourth in the Herding Group!  Thank you more, Sherri.  Thank you, Pat Hastings.