a August 31st, 2008

  1. More Rally

    August 31, 2008 by MyEye

    Kip wasn’t limping this morning so he went to the Obedience-Rally trial with Inca and me.  Chase had to stay at home alone.  Inca earned a second Rally Novice leg with a 90.  She just looks so sweet while she’s doing the exercises.  Outside the ring, I caught our Trial chair feeding her potato chips under the table.  Kip made an extremely creative Rally Advanced appearance.  The judge (who has just received her AKC provisional license for Cardis) gave him a generous 77, so he now has a Rally Advanced leg. I think he was rewarded for being happy and clever (and me for keeping my balance despite shaking my head while he ran through my legs and nipped my left calf).

    The judge asked me to bring the Chase puppy tomorrow so she could go over him  She said, “Cardis are a really difficult breed to learn.  They are not put together like other breeds.”  I am always happy to try to help someone learn about our breed, so Chase will join us tomorrow at the Trial.

    It poured today, but under the steel roof over the Posse Grounds we stayed dry.  No thunder, so we did not have any freaked out dogs.  The Coronado Kennel Club’s show on the 13th and 14th is completely outside — I so hope the weather is temperate.  A rain like we had today would truly put a damper on the occasion.  Even though the CKC’s entry was limited, there is a 4-point major in Cardi bitches.  I entered Chase in Best of Breed on Sunday only.