Congratulating the New All Breed Club

August 6, 2008

After three or four years of hard work, B matches, A matches, fund raising, the Coronado Kennel Club of New Mexico, Inc. was licensed by the American Kennel Club last spring.  The very first all breed show and Obedience/Rally trials will be presented September 13th and 14th in Rio Rancho, NM.  Unfortunately, the AKC rep wasn’t impressed with the available parking so limited the entry to 600 dogs.  That’s probably all we can handle for this first go-round anyway.


My daughter-in-law Debi created our congratulatory ad — isn’t she talented?

  1. Jean from NM says:

    Indeedy she is, that Debi.

    But how about those Cardis? Those guys are one awesome work of art.