Manhattan Kansas KC and the Chase-Puppy

August 14, 2008

The Topeka dog show cluster is a real bargain: six shows in four days.  Today was the first.  Our puppy was Best in Sweepstakes and won his 9-12 puppy class, but did not medal (oh, wait, that’s the other current sporting event) — so I mean no points.  Tomorrow there are two shows — the all breed show and then, following the best in show judging, there is a Cardigan specialty.  On Saturday they do it again.  Sunday is “just” another all breed show.

So think good thoughts for the brindle baby!

  1. Heidi says:

    Congrats on the Best in Sweeps. I have my fingers crossed for the rest of the shows. :o)

  2. C-Myste says:

    Best in Sweeps makes me happy 🙂

  3. Sarah says:

    Um, yea, about that. Sorry, that was me, I really needed to finish my friend Laura’s dog Cooper, he just needed a major. Sorry about that! But Cooper skipped out on the rest, so thanks for being patient and letting Coop finish and get out of the classes. 🙂 Congrats on the new champion.