Woo Hoo — Another Two Points

August 10, 2008

Chase again went Best of Breed and earned another two points.  We’re up to nine points.  Today’s judge gave his Mom, Alice, a Group placement years ago, so it’s no wonder she liked her son.  He’s entered at Topeka (six shows in four days) next week.  I hope he finishes his championship there so he can come home.

Chase showed well in the Group, but did not place.  An Australian Shepherd won the Group and went on to Best in Show — so the baby was in good company.  And he is just a baby, so I’ll cut him some slack.

He’s entered in Louisiana over Labor Day weekend, but I hope to forfeit the entry fee (because he needs no more points).

  1. C-Myste says:

    Actually Alice just got a Group III from the judge, but it was a group placement nevertheless. I was handling her at the time and it was a thrill for me.