A Loss

September 8, 2008

Sandia Dog Obedience Club hosts three obedience/rally trial days a year, four agility trial days, two tracking tests, an agility fun match and a conformation/obedience/rally fun match — every single year.

The club has lots of regular participants who come from the surrounding states.  One of those regulars came up from El Paso over Labor Day weekend for the two-day obedience/rally trial.  She showed her German Shepherd in Rally Advanced and Excellent (working on her RAE).  Sunday evening when the trial day had ended, she was walking her dog on leash near the hotel.  A rabbit leapt out of an arroyo and streaked by her dog.  The dog bolted after the rabbit, pulling the lead from his owner’s hand.  The rabbit crossed a busy street and the dog followed.  He was struck by a car and killed.

It reminds me how fleeting life is, and that even when we are doing everything we are supposed to be doing, we may lose a cherished pet or a friend or a family member.  We’re not really in charge . . .