The inaugural shows for the Coronado Kennel Club occurred. I don’t think there were any major gaffs. Our Sunday Rally Judge rushed over on Saturday and replaced the judge who had called Friday at 5:00 to say she was sick and wouldn’t make the show on Saturday. The Rally and Obedience went pretty well — the scores were generally typical of outdoor shows though we had a Border Collie score a 199 it’s first time in Open. Lots of NQs.
A husband/wife judging team from San Antonio found out on Thursday that Ike had cancelled their flight to Albuquerque. So, they jumped in their car and drove — that’s one long way — and despite the unexpected they judged graciously. The weather was spectacular with a Saturday high of 82 degrees and Sunday high of 79, there was only a slight breeze, and nary a cloud.
The same dog went Best in Show both days — an Irish Terrier owned by Nancy O’Neal. She’s local, so it was a pretty popular win. Bonnie showed Chase in Best of Breed. He looked handsome, but he also didn’t look like any other entry. He didn’t win, but had a great time, and drew nice compliments from some cardi folk.
Today — I was dragging. I was in Federal Court first thing this morning and trying to finish paperwork as the day passed. I decided to resign from every organization to which I belong so I could sleep in some morning. However, I was too tired to get the resignation letters written — I might get around to them tomorrow.
Our Chase went to his first obedience lesson where he demonstrated that he is too special to be obedient. (That’s what he thinks.) The woman from whom we’re taking lessons starts out aiming for the stars, so we’re learning to mark gloves (no, not lifting his leg), and to go out. There’s no fast CD on the horizon, but once the dog is ready to enter competition, you just reel off the levels.
Chase also begins his Agility Prep class on October 1st — we ran by the training club building to return the wheeled coolers we’d borrowed for the show, and Chase started whining and bouncing up and down as we drove up. He loves the club, he loves tunnels, he loves the chute, he loves walking through a ladder on the ground. What he loves the most is meeting night when lots of people tell him how cute he is and pet him and play with him. This is one rotten puppy.
I wonder, if I make it to Saturday, do you suppose I can sleep in?
I have thought before that maybe a club for “competitive sleeping in” would be a good idea.
Laughing about Chase and obedience. Molly says that she is too smart to be obedient. She can think for herself, thank-you-very-much.
Sleep in? You know there are three beings who live with you — and sleep with you — who might feel differently about your sleeping in!
It’s a nice thought, though.