I Love Flowers (and Other Growing Things)

September 20, 2008

I love them up close and personal.  I love to (figuratively) get down into the center and have the stamen brush my cheeks and the petals my ears.  Whether I’m prowling one of the California Mission gardens or a remote valley in my home state, I’m photographing the intricate in nature.  Some time back, Shelley tagged me to list the six things that make me happy.  I already wrote about my granddaughter.  This is number two on my list.

Cactus at the San Luis Obispo Mission


Okay, I’m not climbing into the center of this one, but look at the light.  There is even a delicate spider web strung across it.

I took this at the Huntington Library

Is it a Begonia (my horticultural knowledge is limited)?


A Rose in the Mission Garden 


This rose wasn’t perfect, but the light from the side was.  I was there one January, wandering the Pacific Highway, cutting off to visit the missions.  Below is the more perfect rose, but without that perfect light.  Is there a lesson?


More flowers later.  It’s time to play with the Cardis and go to sleep.  Think good thoughts!