The Chase-puppy went to his first Agility Prep class tonight. You may recall that before he was old enough to go to AKC shows, he went through puppy agility. He loved every second of every class. So four months later, we are back in agility. He remembered everything he had done in puppy class: flew through the tunnel, romped on the rocker board, sprinted through the floor ladder, and cleared the 4″ jumps as if they were set at 16″. He also greeted the trainers as old friends.
If I can prevent him from injuring himself, we are going to have one rockin’ agility dog here. Some of his obedience commands are a little rusty — probably because he spent the summer being trained to stand absolutely still and look cute. His “drop” is immediate — just a fold back and he’s flat on the ground, but “wait” and “stay” are iffy. “Come” is pretty good — but not always back to me. “Sit” puzzles him. He sits, but looks at me as if that was not the right thing to do (it’s that conformation stuff again).
So, we had a great time. He’s off to a four-day show cluster tomorrow and then will show two days the following weekend. After the October 11-12 weekend, he’s done with conformation for several months. We can focus on the agility and his tracking.
Love this little brindle dynamo!