A Dog With Heart

October 17, 2008

The Bouviers Club also offered cardiac testing by Larry Tilley who is a cardiac specialist.  I made an appointment so I could find out if Chase had a heart or if I would always have to wind him up.  Watching Dr. Tilley find Chase’s heart beat was a hoot because he thought he could do it without help.  You do not bend over Chase unless your face needs washing — Chase joyfully and thoroughly cleaned the good doctor up.  We finally added a couple more hands and — sure enough — he found a strong, normal heartbeat.  I did not expect it to be otherwise, but I’ve learned that what we can see is sometimes not the whole story.  So, we will check off that medical issue.

  1. Traci says:

    Speaking from experience, be glad your doctor heard a good strong NORMAL heartbeat… that day will forever be etched in my mind, and I hope no one I know will have to go through the gamut of emotions I went through that summer of 04… Yay for Chase’s Normal heart 🙂