December, 2008

  1. Happy New Year

    December 31, 2008 by MyEye



    From Penni, Kip, Inca and Chase

    2008 was a stunning year for us show-wise.  All three of my dogs earned titles: a CD, an RN, and a CH, and they are ready to go for another CD, a TD, RA, and a CDX.  Dog goals for this year include Inca’s CD and novice agility titles, Kip’s TD, last leg of his RA, and his CDX, and anything I can get Chase to do with even a modicum of control — basic obedience for the young brat, his TD, and continued agility.

    I’m going to get healthier, and more organized both at work and at home.  I’m going to throw “stuff” away or donate it.  I’m going to take a trip just to take a trip — not to a show/trial/test — just go some place where my camera and I can wander happily.

    I wish wonderful things for my children and my granddaughter, for my friends (both real and imaginary), for my clients — heaven knows they need something wonderful — and for the dogs and me.  Winning the lottery would be over the top, but just having reasons to smile every day would be great.  Since I believe we make our own reasons to smile, this part is up to me.

    So, in short, for 2009, I’m wishing each of us happiness, kindness, friendship, and the best of health.

  2. Good Office Help is Hard to Get

    December 30, 2008 by MyEye

    Adrienne is the office grandchild and Chase is today’s office dog.  We all know that Chase needs to be trained, so Adrienne is helping him (and giving me the opportunity to use the new camera again).


    Nice straight sit — good job, Adrienne



    Down, Stay.  Good Down, Chase

  3. The New Camera

    December 29, 2008 by MyEye

    Boy are there ever a lot of instructions, but I have a willing subject in Chase.  Here is his first photo with the new camera.  He’s always so cute!


    . . . and another cute look (better focus too, I think)


    He has this expression down pat!

  4. It’s Really Snow

    December 26, 2008 by MyEye

    Now, it’s not much snow, but it is snow.  The first two storms swirled around Albuquerque so we missed a white Christmas here in town.  The ski resorts did very well though, so ya’ll come, bring your skis and your money.  Remember, New Mexico is a very poor state (perhaps because the US government owns one-third of the land and pays no taxes on it).

    I didn’t need to go anywhere, but when I realized it was snowing, I could not resist a quick zoom up to the post office.  The camera should have been there, but was not.  Then I went another mile to the “fancy” pet store where I bought Chase & Company a dragon and a road kill raccoon.  These are supposed to be nearly indestructible toys — says the manufacturer.  It took Chase all of fifteen minutes to begin destuffing the dragon.  The road kill raccoon was next.  It only has stuffing in the head, but he opened a small wound and began removing the fluff.  So, these go on the forget-it-list.  Price does not equal dog worthiness.

    The Cardis get a little crazy when we have a cold snap so the three are high tailing it through the house, around tables and under chairs.  They seem to like it when I stay home for a couple days in a row, and I must admit it’s fun spending down time with them.  We all climb on the couch and cuddle up – or Chase lies on top of Kip like he did when he first came home.  That’s the holiday spirit!


  5. SkyWatch Friday December 26th

    December 25, 2008 by MyEye



    The Main Cloud Grouping

    Wisps Reflecting the Glow

    Christmas skies are waiting for you at