Cardigan Rescue Poster

December 12, 2008

Linda at the7msn Ranch has designed a wonderful poster for Cardigan Rescue.  A framed poster will be in the Rescue silent auction at Nationals, there will be some unframed in the raffle, AND there are notecards with the same design — being prepared as we speak write.  Isn’t Linda talented?  I love the colors.  She’s contributing the design to CWCNRT for all possible fundraising.


  1. baledwr says:

    Some of those dogs look strangely familiar…

  2. MyEye says:

    Hmmm — you think? Don’t all cardigans look alike?

  3. Emily says:

    Love it! I saw her blog, and was DROOLING over these. I really think I need one for my crazy four 🙂