Inca’s Obedience instructor Vi sent Kip a congratulatory card for earning his TD — too cute! Kip says, “Thank you very much, Vi.”
January, 2009
Kip Received a Congratulations Card
January 30, 2009 by MyEye
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A Web Site for Chase
January 28, 2009 by MyEye
Carolyn Cannon has been hard at work designing a web site for Chase. I decided since I don’t have a kennel, and don’t use a kennel name, and don’t intend to breed puppies, Chase should have his own web site. We’re now tweaking it and plan to add a more formal Home page, but it’s ready for a look. You may link from “Chase’s Web Page” under the Weather Pixie on this blog or you may type into your browser. I love the scrapbook (mmm, puppy pictures), but in all likelihood the health tests, show wins, and pedigree will be important to some people.
Please let us know what you think. Thank you, Gramma Carolyn for all your creativity and skill.
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The TD Trip and SkyWatch Friday January 30th
January 25, 2009 by MyEye
I promised a post that focused on the beauty between Albuquerque and El Paso and at the tracking area at Fort Bliss. My theory of travel is that there are only two reasons to stop. First is the car needs refueling, second is a photo op. Kip and I could not pass up shots of these regal clouds floating above the mountains. Other skies are waiting for you at
And then this morning — the sun rising over the tracking area at Fort Bliss.
This is the backdrop for the tracking fields.
Here is the walk in to one of the start flags.
A look at some of the tracking terrain.
Category New Mexico Beauty, Other Places, Photography, SkyWatch Friday, Tracking | Tags: | Comments Off on The TD Trip and SkyWatch Friday January 30th
Talk To the Glove
January 25, 2009 by MyEye
Yesterday afternoon, Kip and I drove to El Paso for the Tracking Club of El Paso’s 12-dog TD test. I’ll do a second post with photos of the sky and mountains — what a glorious day for a drive!
The weekend started on Friday when I went to get a haircut and was driving directly toward the fattest rainbow I have ever seen. It was so brilliant that even the purple edge was clear (No, I did not have my camera and even if I had, I was on the freeway).
We arrived at our motel yesterday around 5:00 — a spotlessly clean LaQuinta (that’s always a good omen), then club members, judges, and a couple of exhibitors (I was one) went to Olive Garden for dinner. Lots of good tracking talk — normal dog event dinner.
This morning I followed our judges to Fort Bliss where the test is held. All twelve slots were filled, with one alternate. It was a stunning day (as I said — photos in another post). We drew track #6, so hung out and cheered for the first five teams, all of which passed. The sun was a little strong for a black dog, but our Kip got down to business. Below is a map of our 450 yard track — TCEP member Marita Patterson made the stickers that embellish it. The Judges and my tracklayer signed it. Cool, huh? We’ve been training for VST so Kip got really happy when he found a beer can — unfortunately, he had to trudge another ten yards to the leather glove.
After all tracks were run (11 out of 12 passes, plus the alternate track was a pass — though that last one isn’t a title), the El Paso Club fed us homemade lasagna, and salads, and great homemade desserts. The Judges, Leslie Swisher from Albuquerque, and Jeff Shaver from Houston signed all the gloves and all the maps, gave out big green rosettes and we had photos taken. An 8 x 10 photo was the prize. The photographer took a couple of photos with my camera for the blog — later.
So, Kip says, you can talk to the glove! Yippee! AND HERE IT IS! He’s now Arylan First Edition
CDTCD RN TD (AKC no longer combines the title abbreviations)!Category Kip, Tracking | Tags: | Comments Off on Talk To the Glove
SkyWatch Friday January 23rd
January 22, 2009 by MyEye
Just another New Mexico Winter Sunset
See more lovely skies at
I’m spending most of the day in Court, so will link this when I am back to the house or the office. It’s been in the high fifties to low sixties all week with mostly clear skies — until evening when we get our sunset clouds.
We’re going to put in one last practice track this evening and then head to the El Paso Tracking Dog Test on Saturday afternoon. The high in El Paso is supposed to be 72 — I hope my little black dog draws an early morning track!
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