a January 4th, 2009

  1. A Really Special Raffle

    January 4, 2009 by MyEye

    Linda over at the 7msn Ranch (she designed the Cardigan Rescue Poster for us) learned that some loving people have contributed a vintage compact travel trailer for a raffle.  The proceeds will assist their friend who is facing serious expenses to treat breast cancer.  Examples of the trailers (all decked out) are at this site.  http://sistersonthefly.com/trailers.php

    To buy raffle tickets (at $5.00 each) go to this blog http://www.pinktrailer.blogspot.com/ and scroll down to the December 5th post.  You’ll learn more about the woman this will benefit and enjoy photos of the interior of this cute little prize.  The drawing will be on Valentine’s day.

    The sole purpose of the pinktrailer blog is to get the word out about this raffle — a good cause — and we’ve all been touched by this awful disease.