a January 8th, 2009

  1. Starwatch Friday

    January 8, 2009 by MyEye

    I have only one grandchild and that is Adrienne.  For Christmas my older son and his wife gave her a Rockstar Hannah Montana outfit.  Do you think she likes it?


    Here she is hamming it up with my niece Michelle who is thirteen, going on twenty-five.  Definitely my two favoite young ladies!


  2. SkyWatch Friday January 9th

    January 8, 2009 by MyEye

    We’ve had promises of storms for the past two weeks, but Albuquerque has received no snow to speak of.  However, we are treated to these cloud scenes on a daily basis.


    There are gorgeous skies waiting for you at www.skyley.blogspot.com.  I hope you’ll visit them.