a January 28th, 2009

  1. A Web Site for Chase

    January 28, 2009 by MyEye


    Carolyn Cannon has been hard at work designing a web site for Chase.  I decided since I don’t have a kennel, and don’t use a kennel name, and don’t intend to breed puppies, Chase should have his own web site.  We’re now tweaking it and plan to add a more formal Home page, but it’s ready for a look.  You may link from “Chase’s Web Page” under the Weather Pixie on this blog or you may type www.Champion-Chase.com into your browser.  I love the scrapbook (mmm, puppy pictures), but in all likelihood the health tests, show wins, and pedigree will be important to some people.

    Please let us know what you think.  Thank you, Gramma Carolyn for all your creativity and skill.