AKC is Really Fast

February 3, 2009

This afternoon I logged in to My AKC to create an entry form for Kip for an upcoming outdoor (groan) show.  Much to my amazement, the pre-filled entry form showed Kip as “CD RN TD“.  That’s pretty speedy.  I’m going to enter him in Rally Advanced to try to get that last leg, as well as entering Open A.  He’ll probably blow the Open entries, but having him entered will force me to work more with him.  I’m hoping to have him ready to qualify at the local, indoor three-day Mothers Day weekend trials.

Chase is going to join Sherri at Fort Worth the weekend of March 21st so she has a few weeks before Nationals to undo all the bad stuff I’ve let him learn since August.

The Dink is working well in Novice and I think she’ll be ready to enter the May trials as well.  She’s so happy to be participating in the training classes, and she’s so cute that I know spectators will enjoy watching her.  Thank goodness she’s not as creative as Kip is.  Funny story — our advanced class instructor has Flatcoats.  The other corgi owner and I had to explain that if the treats are in our mouths (her method), the short dogs have to swing out to “watch” us which is a bad thing.  So we’re holding treats down lower (belt, hand, etc.).  The Cardis are so smart!