It’s My Dog and I’ll Test if I Want to

February 15, 2009

Recently we’ve seen a theory that breeding should occur in a linear fashion, i.e., increase the gene pool, then breed with selection for type and correctness, and then consider health, using only tests that reliably measure controllable diseases or defects (in someone’s opinion).  I look at this as an incontrovertible way to spread diseases and defects to bloodlines that may not have carried those defects and diseases prior to the linear breeding program.  The ultimate result of this kind of breeding is to force backtracking to eradicate whatever we’ve blindly passed through the generations.

I hope we all make choices that we believe are the best for our dogs.  I do not breed puppies.  I do not live in a home in which that would be practical, I live in a City that is anti-breeder (and my vocal opposition to AR legislation has made me a target), my profession requires long hours away from home.  However, I do have a handsome young male.  He is structurally quite nice and has a superb temperament.  Due to some early inquiries, I had to decide whether or not he would be available at stud.  Part of my decision-making process included testing him for all diseases and defects (for which there are tests), so I knew what was under that brindle coat.  I made my testing public so that anyone who was even remotely considering him would also know what was under that brindle coat.  They don’t have to call me to ask, and they don’t have to wonder if I’m telling the truth.  They can initially evaluate and eliminate without my input.

If they decide they might like to use him, it’s my turn to look at the proposed mate.  The question is always: would this mating better the breed?  He’s my dog so I may ask for health test results.  I can say “no” or I can jump for joy over the pairing.  This is America and my opinion counts, at least in respect to my own animals.  I do not want to be part of the problem (I believe there is one).  I do want to be part of the solution.

Bottom line:  He’s my dog and I’ll test if I want to.  If you choose not to test, or you test and then rationalize bad results, you won’t be breeding to my dog.

  1. Le'o Washburn says:

    Absolutely, 100% agree. Thank you Penni.

  2. Kim says:

    Trumpets blare! Hazzah!

    Amen to that baby!

    Thank you! Thank you!

  3. Sandy says:

    Bravo — cheers — you said it sista!

    This is SO simple, why do more people not agree? I know, I know….it’s the almighty dollar and that “reputation” thing. I have to live with myself and myself is a pretty tough cookie.

    Thanks for speaking out Penni, you ROCK!


  4. Holly says:

    Thank you Penni! Very well written and I agree 110%.

  5. dawn says:

    Amen!! Have you decided what tests you are going to require in bitches requesting your handsome boy?