Michele Mauldin of Alamagordo NM donated an 8″ x 10″ photo of each passing dog/handler team from the El Paso TD test on January 25th. (She was also our track-layer and gets the “stinky feet” award.) The photo is such a nice prize! Here we are: Standing are Judges Jeff Shaver from Houston and Leslie Swisher from Albuquerque. I think they are holding coup sticks? I am on the ground (giving thanks) with a smiling Kip. Every day is a good day when you’re out tracking, but when you pass a test, it’s an especially good day.
Arylan First Edition CD RN TD, and all-around good boy
Yeah for passing tests! And now I have a face to put with your name 🙂
Great job!
Great picture.
But what exactly are those sticks?
Oh, maybe they are the flags? Really long ones that we can’t see the top of?
What a nice prize! Congrats on that TD!
Yeah! They are really long flags. I had to crop the photo to have any chance of squeezing it onto the blog. I don’t know how to set it up so the photos will enlarge if you click on them — Geez, I’m such a Luddite!
YEA!! How CUTE!!! Big congrats 🙂
Congrats! Great pic!
Congrats again, and what a great picture. Its nice to see both parts of the team in the photo, and to put a face with a name and writing.
Congratulations! I don’t know who looks happier — Penni or Kip. What a team!
Woo-hoo! How fantastic is that? And a great picture to boot!
My name is Sandy and I live near Seattle, WA — but, sometime soon (oh, please let it be soon) we will be moving to our retirement home near Corona, NM.
I ‘stumbled’ upon your site and am so excited to have found someone active (and doing well!) in tracking with Cardigans. We are waiting until we relocate to NM to start the Cardi Quest but I am VERY interested in tracking, among other things.
So, I will be checking in daily. Glad to meet you, Kip and all your readers!
I thought the same thing when I saw the pic. I don’t know who has the bigger smile? Penni or Kip?
WOHOO!! Congrats!!
Thanks for visiting our site…congrats on the TD! Lucky you…we love New Mexico!