The new Oregon C-Mystery blue Element is here visiting the older New Mexico blue Element. Since this photo was taken at 6:00 AM Mountain time, the Oregon contingent is still sleeping (Pacific time, you know). My dogs are camped outside their bedroom door waiting for Phoebe and Molly (mostly Molly) to come out and play. Inca remembered Tom and Carolyn and spent a big part of her evening in Tom’s lap. Chase thoroughly washed his face, ears, arms, elbows because he was within reach and sitting still. Kip never met them before, but he doesn’t know that.
Carolyn was a bit under the weather, still suffering from her bout with the Winslow Colonel Chicken, Tom was very tired and tried his darndest to stay up until 9:00. We’re going to have a lazy day — no whirlwind touring of tourist attractions. I do hope by the end of the day to be posting respectable photos of our grown Chase — notice I did not say “grown-up” because I think there’s a good chance that will never happen.
They have sooo been looking forward to this…hope your weather is as great as ours was last weekend, it has been really windy all week, but has died down today. Hope Carolyn recovers…it’s the pits to be sick on vacation 🙁 Have fun with all those doggies 🙂
Your house looks SO cool!
Carolyn, feel better soon! Don’t let anymore greasy chickens attack you please?
Wait wait wait … what I want to know is, where can I get a front door like that?
Yes, please! Can you take a picture of your front door? I LOVE it!
What you are seeing is my front gate. I designed it and a metal artist made and hung it for me. It is a huge tree on a hill — the branches form the top third of the gate. The coolest thing about it is that it has flowers cut into the steel at the bottom of the “hill” right at Cardi eye height. That way when dogs are in the front part of the yard, they can watch the public goings-on. If it EVER stops raining, I’ll take and post a head-on photo of it.