Cutting Out the Chase-man’s Photo

March 11, 2009

Now that we have the first stacked photos of Chase taken since he was less than a year old, we’ll need to update his web site.  So, I put the photo from last weekend up on my veeery old Photo Deluxe program (no longer supported or upgraded, but I love it), and attempted to cut him out for transfer to the header bar on his site.  This is how it came out.  I love looking at this guy’s handsome body!

By the way — with Carolyn’s intervention, the photos on my blog are now “clickable” to enlarge!


  1. Ariel says:

    He’s such a handsome boy!

  2. Sarah says:

    Um, no need to click to enlarge, what I am seeing is Chase’s head taking up my entire monitor. The one thing I don’t care for about WordPress is that if I’m on my laptop, everyone’s photos cut off at the right side of the screen. Even on my bigger monitor, WordPress doesn’t seem to like to “fit” the image into a range of displays.

  3. Kristine says:

    The image looks good to me–his whole (very handsome) body fits nicely within the frame–I’m on a Dell laptop.

  4. Sandy says:

    I’m on a Dell laptop, granted owned by the King County Sheriff’s office, and Chase must be almost life sized! Hmmm, he won’t take the cookie I offered though.