Shelley Camm’s “Jamie” (Harry P. daughter) has undergone implantation of Chase pupsicles. Puppies due on May 26th. Everyone cross fingers, please!
March 25, 2009
Shelley Camm’s “Jamie” (Harry P. daughter) has undergone implantation of Chase pupsicles. Puppies due on May 26th. Everyone cross fingers, please!
Category Chase, Cool Stuff, Dog Friends, Other dogs | Tags:
How exciting. I’ll tell Alice that she’s going to be a grandma again.
Congrats! And, the 26th is my daughter, Madeleine’s BD. If one of the puppies is a vocal, social, bossy-pants; feel free to name her Maddie. 😉
Fingers crossed!
YEE-HAWWW! Fingers AND toes firmly crossed. Boo…just wish I was in line for one of those puplets, dang.
I hope she takes, and there’s plenty of quality show prospects for all! BABIES!
Fingers and paws crossed here. Can she hold out a day and have them on May 27? That’s our anniversary. 🙂
Fingers crossed!!!!!!!!!!!
Actually she is due between the 23rd and 25th – 63 days from ovulation, not breeding. Her LH surge was on Friday, ovulation is a day or two later. 🙂
I’d prefer weekend puppies.
I vote for May 27th as well–my birthday!