
March 25, 2009

Shelley Camm’s “Jamie” (Harry P. daughter) has undergone implantation of Chase pupsicles.  Puppies due on May 26th.  Everyone cross fingers, please!

  1. C-Myste says:

    How exciting. I’ll tell Alice that she’s going to be a grandma again.

  2. Alden says:

    Congrats! And, the 26th is my daughter, Madeleine’s BD. If one of the puppies is a vocal, social, bossy-pants; feel free to name her Maddie. 😉

    Fingers crossed!

  3. Sandy says:

    YEE-HAWWW! Fingers AND toes firmly crossed. Boo…just wish I was in line for one of those puplets, dang.


  4. I hope she takes, and there’s plenty of quality show prospects for all! BABIES!

  5. Holly says:

    Fingers and paws crossed here. Can she hold out a day and have them on May 27? That’s our anniversary. 🙂

  6. Fingers crossed!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Shelley says:

    Actually she is due between the 23rd and 25th – 63 days from ovulation, not breeding. Her LH surge was on Friday, ovulation is a day or two later. 🙂

    I’d prefer weekend puppies.

  8. Kristine says:

    I vote for May 27th as well–my birthday!