I used to fly everywhere and all the time. I used to have Southwest Rapid Rewards tickets regularly available, but that was during the dark period when I had no dogs (and white carpet in the bedroom and a drip system in the yard). Once I got Kip, I stopped flying except for occasional out-of-town trials. Then Inca came home and I stopped accepting out-of-town cases. I added Chase, had to sell the CR-V and get the Element . . . haven’t flown since he and I arrived home from Oregon. So, the way it works is you just put in the car whatever you think you might possibly need — it usually fits between the crates or under the platform or on the floor in the front seat.
So, I am having a crisis of confidence. I am flying to Nationals, need “stuff” for a week, and have no idea how to limit what I take along. I am completely out of practice! Clothes — some mix and match stuff that doesn’t wrinkle too much, toiletries, the i.d. door hangers and grooming area hangers, contact information for the raw food store and the butchers, a bling leash and collar for Stud Dog and Brood Bitch classes, a couple of gifts that I’ve accumulated, my digital camera (the Nikon or the little one?), the video camera, a tripod (?), my computer, and a partridge in a pear tree.
I think I need a list. Help — what do you consider the three essentials for successfully attending a National Specialty, keeping in mind that booze can be purchased in Topeka?
Hmmm…I am a list maker. I am thrilled by making the list and then one-by-one, drawing a line through it’s contents. I absolutely hate the packing because I know I will forget something.
When we compete in Combined Driving Events that are 3 days long (4 really because you have to arrive the day before for vet checks and to scope out the marathon course with your bike…)I am a basket case. Crabby, snippy, down right mean at times. We have to pack a camper with our needs (show clothes, food, supplies for camping) and a horse trailer with food, harness, more food and carriages. YUCK!
In the long run I always try to pack my competition schedules, my camera, something comfortable to sit on, snacks, little cash but a debit card….and a sense of humor! Knowing that most of the other participants are in the same boat makes me feel a little less stressed. Misery loves company, ya know. But most of all — YOU are going to the NATIONALS. Don’t forget to pack YOU, everything else will fall into place…or it wasn’t really that important.
1. Dog
2. Dog Food
3. Dog Dishes
I’m flying, the dog is with his handler – otherwise those are probably primo!
Xanax, iPod, and a really good book. 😉
Have fun! It’s the only time I’ve been envious of anyone going to Topeka.
Good luck, Chase!!