The CWCCA National Specialty: Chase’s Point of View

April 22, 2009

I don’t get to write on the blog very often, but since the National Specialty was all about me, Penni is letting me do it.

I went to Sherri’s house in mid-March.  My friends Fran and Chris took me (with all their Akitas) to shows in Fort Worth.  Lauren — I love her — showed me in Best of Breed there.  A handsome guy named Dickens won the Breed both days AND won first place in the Group both days.  It was fun to play with Lauren again.  After that, Sherri took me back to Camp Hurst in Houston.  We went to some more shows on the weekends but I wasn’t entered because Sherri was showing Powell.  Powell and I have to growl at each other all the time because Sherri has girls at Camp Hurst, and they all love me.  I think Powell is just jealous.

We went to the show in Grove, Oklahoma.  I wasn’t entered there, but that was our last stop before the trip up to Topeka.  We got to Topeka on Monday night.  I had my bath and some play time.  I was pretty sure I was going to be shown.  On Tuesday afternoon, Penni showed up.  I really missed her.  She’s my person and when we are apart I keep looking for her.  Tuesday evening, was a “Champion” match.  I did my best, but the judges didn’t realize how handsome I am.  On Wednesday morning, Sherri again got me ready to show.  Penni told me it was “Sweeps”.  I kept looking for a broom to attack, but never saw one.  My brother Pilot was in the class with me.  I hadn’t seen him for more than a year.  He’s a big, strong dog.  When it came to the end of our class, he and I were side by side getting big ribbons and giant bath towels.  Penni and my G-Ma Carolyn and G-Ma Shelley were really proud of us both.

The next day Pilot was shown early in the day.  Later I was allowed to go in the ring with my Dad Hunter and my half-sister Dolly.  Penni was holdng my show lead which has shiny beads on it.  Since she has never done that, I was extra excited.  I even got to lick the judge when I was on the table — he’s a very tasty man.  (Sherri and Lauren don’t let me lick the judge.)  Dolly and I gaited around the ring.  I had to drag Penni because she’s not nearly as fast as I am.  Then Dolly and I gaited around with our Dad.  The judge looked at all the other dogs.  He had our little family come to the center of the ring, then he had that Dickens dog and his kids come to the center.  Dolly and I gaited around with the Dickens’ kids.  Then the judge said Dad won.  I was really happy for him.  Penni says he’s thirteen and that’s pretty old.  G-Ma Shelley was crying because she was so happy.  I was happy because my people were so happy.

But we didn’t have time to rest on our laurels.  Penni and I went right back in the ring.  G-Ma Carolyn brought my mom Alice in, and G-Ma Shelley showed my brother Pilot.  Again I had to drag Penni around the ring — we’re going to have to work on her speed.  When the judge examined me on the table, he said, “Oh, this dog again.”  He kept his face out of reach which was too bad because I really liked him.  After the judge looked at all the dogs in the ring, he called our family to the middle and said my Mom won.  Wow!  My Mom is so beautiful.  I know she deserved to win.

They gave her a big ribbon and windchimes.  G-Ma Carolyn won so many windchimes that she even gave Penni one for our patio in Albuquerque.  That was all we did on Thursday.  I had nothing to do on Friday, but my sister Libby won a ribbon.  My other sister Dolly won a huge purple ribbon.  G-Ma Shelley was crying and Penni was hugging her.  They did all that hugging a lot.  Lots of people came to visit me.  I really liked Laura P and Janet.  When Laura sat down in a chair, I jumped in her lap and turned over so she could rumb my tummy — mmmm.  Janet is so nice that when she came over, I jumped in the air and kissed her chin.  I got lots of pats and hugs that day.  Friday night I was bathed and brushed so I knew I’d be showing on Saturday.

Saturday was a big day.  It was Best of Breed.  Penni said there were forty boy champions and even more girl champions.  I was the first dog in the first group of ten dogs.  There was the tasty judge again.  He examined me and had me trot around the ring, then looked at all the other dogs.  At the end of judging that group he invited me and one other dog to come back in a little while.  He kept judging and judging other dogs, and then all the girls.  Finally I went back into the ring.  Sherri was showing Powell so I got to play with Lauren.  I stood as proudly as I could and flew around the ring.  (Lauren is much faster than Penni — so I am able to fly when she shows me.)  At the end, we did not get a ribbon, but Penni and the G-Mas said they were very proud of me.  Dolly got a big blue and white ribbon and my Mom got a big green ribbon.  You would not believe all the hugging and crying that went on.

After the show, more people came to visit me.  They wanted to “go over me” so I showed all of them my tongue.  There was a little girl who tasted the best of all the visitors that day — not as good as the judge, but close.  Some of the visitors promised me girlfriends, some just petted and rubbed me.  I had fun.

Sunday we had to show again.  My G-Ma Carolyn left to drive back to Oregon (that’s where I was born).  My sister Dolly won another Purple ribbon.  When it was my turn, Lauren showed me from the beginning of the class.  We had so much fun.  The judge was a lady this time.  After she judged me at the beginning, she let a lot of dogs leave, but asked me to come back.  I looked as handsome as I know how to look.  We didn’t get a ribbon, but the judge called me the Fancy Dog.  I think that’s okay.  After the show, Penni put me in a crate and helped G-Ma Shelley pack up.  They really struggled getting everything in G-Ma Shelley’s van because Dolly had won a wooden bench and G-Ma Shelley had bought a refrigerator for everyone’s food.  Once G-Ma Shelley was all packed up, Penni hugged me and asked me to be a good boy.  She told me I was going to Canada for a couple of months.  I got into a crate in G-Ma’s van and we started driving.

We spent Monday night with a really nice lady named Judy who let us run around her yard.  It felt so good to run without a leash.  Last night we finally stopped driving.  I am now at G-Ma Shelley’s house in Canada.  There is some snow here — cool!  I get to play with my sisters Libby and Dolly, and a little cutie named Ember.  Jaime is here.  She and I are expecting babies in a month.  I wonder if they’ll look like me — wouldn’t that be lucky?

Penni promised me when I get back to Albuquerque that I’ll get to stay there for a long time.  We’re going to find things in the fields, and practice our obedience.  If we can work things out, Penni will let me play with goats and sheep — I love the sheep.  So I’m going to be a really good boy.

  1. Le'o says:

    Too cute!!

  2. hello chase its dennis the vizsla dog hay thank yoo for the dogs eye vyoo of the event and i hope yoo get to go play with the sheep and the goats and the llamas and the moo moo cows and all the other hoofd animals yoo may want to herd!!! ok bye

  3. Sandy says:

    Chase….if you are half as handsome as you are good at writing…well, sounds like you are a winner!