I posted about the dog hair roller a couple of weeks ago and bemoaned the fact that when it was full of hair, it was to be thrown away. These photos are worth a million words!
April 5, 2009
I posted about the dog hair roller a couple of weeks ago and bemoaned the fact that when it was full of hair, it was to be thrown away. These photos are worth a million words!
Category Chores, Cool Stuff, Dog Equipment, Home | Tags:
Now WHERE did you get one of these? I have Angel fur everywhere.
I looked at buying one at Wal-Mart this weekend and decided not to if I had to throw it away when it got full. With 8 dogs in the house (one of which is a GSD) I was afraid it would be full after one use. Now that I see you can empty it – I’m getting one! Thanks for sharing!!!