A Present From Shelley and Chase

May 18, 2009

Oh man, look at this!  Is this not the cutest painting you’ve ever seen?  The expression is exactly right.  He has two brown front legs (instead of one white) — I’m sure that’s in honor of his Miracle-Mud Spa & Resort time.  What a great present — and it’s almost my birthday!  Dolly also has a special painting up on Shelley’s blogShannon’s work is just fun.



  1. Shelley says:

    Ah, but you neglected to say WHY he’s depicted on the flying trapeze!

  2. MyEye says:

    Well, since I’m not sure what all he’s been up to since he arrived in Canada, I can only imagine why he’s pictured on a trapeze. However, if I were thinking of a setting for the boy, the trapeze would be at the top of my list. I love it, Shelley.

  3. Haha! Love it! It’s SO Chase! What an awesome gift!

  4. […] I also had one done of Chase, which you can see on Penni’s Blog. […]

  5. Alden says:

    That’s marvelous!I want one!

    Not to be outdone by Chase’s “spa” experience, Fig just returned home from a “Rogue River Relaxation and Rejuvenation Weekend Getaway Package.” His exploits are in the “comments” section on Carolyn’s blog. And yes,the F.A.D Group (Fig, Axel, Duncan)will have their own blog soon.

    Penni, I’d really love to know about the artist. Will he accept a commission?

  6. Sandy says:

    Perfect! Thedaring man-dog on the flying trapeze. That guy will do anything for a thrill, huh?

  7. That’s adorable!

  8. Kathy says:

    Awesome work! What a great gift!