More National Photos From Emily

May 7, 2009

Emily Rose of Dreameyce Studio sent me all the photos she took of Chase and I have finally pulled them into my editing program to do some cropping.  You’ve already seen the one of Chase moving in the Megan, but I thought this was a particularly sweet head study.  . . . miss my boy who will, we hope, be home in early to mid-June!


Here he is freestacking for Sherri in the Megan competition.


  1. Sandy says:

    Oh Penni……….he is sooooo handsome. I can only see about half of each picture on the blog but even those halves are stunning! I want to give him a BIG hug he is such a hunk!

  2. Laura says:

    Ditto here. He’s missing his head in the bottom photo. Are the photos too large for the space? :0)

  3. MyEye says:

    I stopped making the photos “clickable” because people said they were too large. Perhaps it’s the resolution. I’ll go back, make copies at 72 resolution and repost them — Emily did take good photos!

  4. Shelley says:

    Penni – set width=”450″ in your image tags before the last bracket – it will resize them perfectly.

  5. Holly says:

    Very nice!!