a June 7th, 2009

  1. Chase Loves Those New York People

    June 7, 2009 by MyEye

    As promised, Shelley sent photos of Chase meeting Paul G. and Cynnie.  Paul just hovered over Chase stroking him.  Paul’s wife Sally fled and missed the photo op.  Cynnie said, “I’ll pick him up for the photo.”  Shelley said, “You might not want to do that.”  Oops!  Too late.  So, he has breezed through their lives — leaving first thing in the morning — and they are asking, “Who was that wild man?” (Do you think I need a signed photo release from Cynnie?)



  2. Back in the U.S.A.

    June 7, 2009 by MyEye

    Chase is in East Aurora NY with Sally and Paul G.  I called Sally because I’m a stage mom and needed to know that my “kid” was okay.  Those of you who have followed Chase’s exploits will understand why I gasped when Sally told me that Chase was in the yard helping Paul garden.  I explained that Chase is a great gardner as long as his job is uprooting bushes and bringing them into the house.  So — they’ve been warned, and I can do no more from 2,000+ miles away.  She said they have birds in the yard and Chase was flushing them, so he should be well-exercised when he gets to the airport in the morning.  Shelley took some photos of Chase at this relay station on his way home — I’ll post them later.

    Shelley is driving back to her house and will report in when she’s safely in the driveway.

    He’s getting closer.

  3. On the Road Again

    June 7, 2009 by MyEye

    Chase is on his way home.  Shelley left Dundalk (read “boonies northwest of Toronto”) at about 8:30 her time.  I just received an email that she’s at the Border — almost an hour earlier than she anticipated because there is so little traffic.  Ya’ Know, those non-dog people go to church on Sundays . . .  So, now she’ll make her way down into the Buffalo area.  Chase will spend this afternoon and evening with some of Cynnie Smith’s wonderful friends.  Tomorrow morning Cynnie will take our Chase to the Buffalo airport.  His Continental PetSafe suite will be ready for him and he’ll leave for Newark at 8:40.  From Newark, he travels to Houston, and then tomorrow evening on to Albuquerque.  He’s scheduled to arrive at 6:35 Mountain time.  Poor guy will undoubtedly have his legs crossed by then.

    Once I discover what other adventures he has in the next 36 hours, I’ll help him post to his Journal on his web site.  He’s had quite a summer holiday in Canada.  Notwithstanding, I firmly believe he’ll be glad to be home.  I will be so happy to have him back!