Just photos from the last few days
The Dink always perks up when there is food
Trumpet vine in the sun
Such good company (photo by Adrienne)
Chase, sit straight
June 13, 2009 by MyEye
Just photos from the last few days
The Dink always perks up when there is food
Trumpet vine in the sun
Such good company (photo by Adrienne)
Chase, sit straight
Category Adrienne, Chase, Family, Home, Inca, New Mexico Beauty, Plants and Flowers | Tags: | 2 Comments
June 13, 2009 by MyEye
Chase has been back a few days (since Monday night), and has had the opportunity to update his Journal with an entry about his Canadian holiday. He hadn’t touched it since he wrote about the National Specialty in April. So, his version of “the haps” is available on his website http://Champion-Chase.com.
Category Canada, Chase, Chase's Site, Chuckles, Family, Other dogs, Other Places | Tags: | 1 Comment