Back in the U.S.A.

June 7, 2009

Chase is in East Aurora NY with Sally and Paul G.  I called Sally because I’m a stage mom and needed to know that my “kid” was okay.  Those of you who have followed Chase’s exploits will understand why I gasped when Sally told me that Chase was in the yard helping Paul garden.  I explained that Chase is a great gardner as long as his job is uprooting bushes and bringing them into the house.  So — they’ve been warned, and I can do no more from 2,000+ miles away.  She said they have birds in the yard and Chase was flushing them, so he should be well-exercised when he gets to the airport in the morning.  Shelley took some photos of Chase at this relay station on his way home — I’ll post them later.

Shelley is driving back to her house and will report in when she’s safely in the driveway.

He’s getting closer.


  1. YEA! Almost home!!

  2. Kathy says:

    Safe journey Chase! I can understand why your mom is anxiously awaiting your homecoming. Clearly, she has an extra cell phone she’s not using! 🙂

  3. Kate says:

    I’m super tempted to go up and see him.

  4. MyEye says:

    Shoot, Kate! Unless you went up there this evening, you’ve missed him. His plane leaves at 8:40 AM — so he has to be at the airport at 7:15. He’ll be sorry that he wasn’t able to wash yet another face during his visit (see new post).