As Chase’s time with Shelley comes to a close, she pulled out her long lens and sent me these. They definitely need descriptive captions.
June 5, 2009
As Chase’s time with Shelley comes to a close, she pulled out her long lens and sent me these. They definitely need descriptive captions.
Category Canada, Chase, Other dogs, Photography | Tags:
I like the last one… “Ummm, I think there’s been a mistake.”
That last one is hysterical! “So why do they call you Stretch?”
#2: “Hey mom, see this green stuff? Can we have some of this at home? It’s kind of like swimming but edible too.”
#3: “Hey. Tall guy. See that cat over there? You go out and bring him back to us and we won’t tell anybody that you can do it.”
#1 Damn I’m cute.
#2 Damn I’s still cute.
#3 Geesh, that guy is tall!