SkyWatch Friday 6-19-09

June 18, 2009

On the western horizon are three (what we certainly hope are extinct) volcanoes.  From the top level of a downtown parking garage — on a clear day, you can see forever.  Other beautiful skies are waiting at SkyWatch.



  1. babooshka says:

    Those clouds really are so soft and light.

  2. Barb says:

    A great distance shot of your city and sky. PS Your dog is very cute (on last post).

  3. James says:

    I love the different types and layers of clouds. A wonderful view too.

  4. Sandy says:

    Penni….what are the names of the extinct, we hope, volcanoes. I need to learn some NM natural history!

  5. Eric says:

    Nice clouds here, well composed!!

    Have a nice SWF.

    Greetings from NL

  6. MJ says:

    We just visited AZ and hope to make it to NM one of these times. Beautiful views & nice blog. Love your Corgis, too! 🙂

  7. Sandy says:

    Nice view from town! The volcanoes do add to the skyline.

  8. When we were in Arizona we saw all kinds of extinct (dormant?) volcanoes — and last year we went hiking in a giant lava field in the California desert around Amboy Crater. I hadn’t realized before moving here that there was so much volcanism in the southwest!

  9. Joyce says:

    I used to live in Albuquerque, NM. I believe that sunsets in New Mexico can not be beat. Nice sky shot!

  10. Karen says:

    What a beautiful view and that sky is gorgeous !!

    Very cool shot !! 🙂