This Face Just Makes Me Happy

June 24, 2009

I love having Chase as the “Office Dog” because he walks up to me and just smiles.  He smiles with his entire being — eyes, mouth, tail, and everything in between.  He naps — upside down against the barrister bookcase (but I don’t want anything out of there anyway).  He snoozes by the window with his head propped up on the wrought iron bars.  If he thinks I’m really paying no attention, he slides up onto the loveseat for his beauty rest.  But, periodically, he comes over and smiles.  Then I smile back — simply cannot help myself.



  1. Sandy says:

    Gosh I need another smiley face in my life……gotta get all my moons or suns or whatever aligned so we can get this move to NM made. Keep on smiling Chase man! You make the world a happier place.

  2. Kathy says:

    He is just a really Wonderful guy! I’m so glad he found someone who loves him so much!

  3. Carol says:

    I can see why that face would make you happy!