a August 1st, 2009

  1. Corgi Play Day

    August 1, 2009 by myeye

    Our Central New Mexico Corgi Club had its monthly play time this morning.  We had only twelve dogs — 10 Pems and my 2 token Cardigans.  We had members from Santa Fe and Los Alamos bring their youngsters for socializing.  I took photos, but Chase and Inca are in none of them because Chase and Inca were in the herding mood.  They herded a poor beagle until it ran under its owner’s legs and wouldn’t come back out.  Then a Vizsla cross came in.  Chase and Inca started moving it at will around the park and then all the Pems joined in.  They penned it, drove it, headed it, turned it.  The poor dog was dizzy and the Corgis were in rapture.  Some of the Pem owners said they’d never seen “how it was done before.”  They need to come to more play days because the Cardis believe anything that is not a Corgi should be herded — that includes shelties and aussies.

    So, the great herding dogs have been sprawled on the tile since we got home.  That is a tired pair!  They managed to wake up for dinner, but are again asleep.  I cannot wait until our herding instructor gets moved back here in the late fall.  These two will think they died and went to heaven.

    Tomorrow Chase is going to try the CGC.  I’m wondering if he can keep all four paws on the ground when we are greeted by a friendly stranger.  I also entered him in Rally Novice at the match.  I don’t think he’s quite ready, but that way I’ll know on what things we need work (other than his handler’s occasional brain freezes at a sign or two).