Awwww September 25th

September 25, 2009

Dad outside the nursery2 9-25-09Chase Guards the Nursery

Watson on moms tummy 9-25-09Little Watson on Mom’s Tummy

What is under here 9-25-09So, What’s Under Here?

A good face washing 9-25-09

A Good Face Washing

Watson snoozing 9-25-09Morning Snooze

Watson on Top 9-25-09Jockeying for Position

What's the fuss 9-25-09What is all the fuss about?


  1. dawn says:

    Oh Inca, you have the most beautiful eyes! I just want to kiss your nose, pretty girl.

  2. Jean from NM says:


  3. Dawn Small says:

    LOL! at the picture with one draped over the other. That doesn’t look a bit comfortable! Poor Inca does not look one bit impressed with all this.

  4. Kim says:

    Oh that picture of Chase is just priceless. I can just see the wheels turning. “I’m here, I ready!”

  5. Oh I’m so eksyted thairs poodles onthe kertans, thairs poodles onthe kertans, thairs poodles onthe kertans, thairs poodles onthe kertans, thairs poodles onthe kertans

  6. Alden says:

    Dere Dixie,

    U r relie funy. Eye am sadd beacuz thier r no corgis on d kertans, buht mi nu “brothere” is beahind dose kertans. Hiss name is Watson. Wi r going 2 lern 2 smel thingz 2gethir. Eye can knot weight 2 doo tat.

    Eye hoppe 2 meat u 1 day. U maike mi laff.

    Ur frend,
