Chase was bred to “Ginger” last week. These special puppies are due November 15th. If you’d like to know more about the babies, please email Elaine. It’s another DM clear litter!
Pedigree (click to make it larger or use the zoom-in feature in “View”):
Is this Fudge’s littermate?
Yes, indeed.
Nyoo gerlfrend??? This is an owtrayj, duz Phoebe & her puppys no abowt this??? I am too shokd to typ any mor!!!
Chase or his “letes” get around, eh? I think for this litter we should just say, “Healthy please”. One request per litter as to not make the litter-gods think we are greedy. Then using reverse psychology, you might get “many” and “girls”.
How cool! Hoping for lovely puppies for Ginger & Chase!