It’s the Three-Legged Fool

September 7, 2009

I love this funny little dog.  The photos were a challenge because “everyone was helping”.  You call “Chase” and you don’t just get ears, you get the whole wriggling package.  We had some retakes.  But all’s well.  Chase earned a 95 and Third Place, a green ribbon, a finished title ribbon, and an orange giraffe toy.  Today, I only cost him 2 points.  He’s in the market for a new handler — preferably one who does not steward up until ring time.  So, without further adieu, presenting American/Canadian Champion C-Myste Baledwr Pursuit of Happiness RN CGC!  First and foremost, however, he is my snuggly, loving, funny housepet.

CH Chase RN 9-7-09

Chase RN - getting the ribbon 9-7-09

By 2:00 PM, the trial had ended, we had packed up all the ring equipment, transported it to the Club, unloaded it, and we were a block from home.  This was in front of me, and made me smile even more than I already was.  Beautiful, isn’t it?

2 oclock 9-7-09


  1. Kim says:

    I’ve been checking all day for news! Congrats!!!!!!!!!

  2. Le'o says:

    Awesome job *both* of you. Stop putting yourself down. It’s a lot harder than it looks. Congratulations!!

  3. Holly says:

    Congrats!! Good going Team Chase!

  4. C-Myste says:

    Yipee! And what an adorable picture of an adorable dog in that top photo.

  5. Lani says:

    Way to go!! Great picture, too!

  6. Carol says:

    Yay!! I knew I would “tune in” today to a new RN title! Congratulations, Chase and Penni! What fun!

  7. Jean from NM says:

    WAY TO GO, PENNI & CHASE!!!!!!!!!

  8. Kim G says:

    Whooooo Hoooooo!!!!! Congratulations!!!

  9. Janet says:

    Good man, Chase! Got your RN degree just in time – you’re about to have a family to support!

  10. Kristine says:

    Congrats!! I love Cardis with titles on BOTH ends of their names!!!

  11. Taryn says:

    WOW! Great job Chase and Penni! A new RN title start to finish in one weekend, that’s fabulous!

    • myeye says:

      We have a tremendous Rally program at Sandia Dog Obedience Club. It starts with a six-week Rally Novice Class. We break into groups and work the various types of signs. On Sunday afternoons, we have Rally Drill. Dogs go through a regular course with an experienced instructor making suggestions and corrections. We have a fun match the weekend before Labor Day. This it the third year in a row that I have taken a Cardi through the class, drills, match, and earned the RN during the 3-day Trials. Chase had the highest scores and placements of the three. Maybe next year I’ll have his daughter to run through Rally over Labor Day.

      • C-Myste says:

        I want to move . . .

        • myeye says:

          You are always welcome here — but remember the reason we can have such a large, active Club is that we are in a Metro area of a million people. So, you take the good with the bad. Plenty of folks to put on matches and shows and have classes means plenty of folks driving on the roads and polluting the air as well.

  12. Dawn says:

    Congratulations! Chase is such a good boy, he looks so happy in the picture. Yup, he made his Mom proud.

  13. Julie says:

    Congratulations Chase and Penni! That’s super.

  14. Wow! What a great weekend! Congrats!!!!!!!!!

  15. Kathy says:

    Hey Chase Man…I never had any doubts! Great job to Chase and Chase’s Mom!

  16. Sandy says:

    FANTASTIC! You two make it look sooooooo simple. Can’t wait until I get to try someday with my own Cardigan.


  17. tavs says:

    Congratulations! Handling is hard… keep up with it, the fun is getting to spend time with your dog, not having someone else do it! He wouldn’t have so many fancy titles if you weren’t doing a good job 🙂