This didn’t come with pink in it — so we need to keep thinking “girls”. The tummy rubbing mantra continues. I measured Phoebe’s girth and it is 24.5″. I needed this plush fabric because we changed the location for the whelping/wading pool (which is bright yellow) from the master closet upstairs to a corner of the living room downstairs. To make Phoebe feel more enclosed and to prevent drafts, I got a piece of carpet to go under the pool, and an x-pen to surround it. This fabric will become a curtain that encloses the x-pen to prevent drafts and to make Phoebe’s corner private. I’ve not opened up the entire 3 yards, but suspect that even upon meticulous inspection I will find no Cardis amongst the cute little dogs.
Next weekend will be devoted to Phoebe’s space. I’ll get out the sewing machine and away we’ll go.
I bought Myra Savant-Harris’ books (Newborn Puppy Care includes a DVD) and used her list of “necessities”, along with one provided by Cathy Ochs-Cline, and another from my friend Bonnie to create a puppy warming box, and to obtain all the emergency contingency equipment and supplies. I’m really lucky to have a small health care organization as a client. They obtained many of the items for me wholesale. My carpet installing friend contributed the base piece of carpet for under the wading pool as well as a larger piece to go under the whelping box when we move everyone to a bigger space. I found flying saucer puppy dishes, the x-pens, #8 French feeding tubes on eBay. Amazon had good prices on a small and a medium heating pad, forceps, surgical scissors. Everything else is from Revivalanimal and Wal-Mart or Target.
I’m working on a CWCCA Bulletin article about whelping supplies, sources and costs — incorporating all that I’ve learned from my friends and from my own research. I plan to be REALLY ready for the babies! I also plan for Phoebe to have them in the whelping pool and not under the daybed.
I need your lists of ‘things’ that I need for whelping. Having never had a litter I want to be very prepared!
As soon as I have the list together, I’ll make it available. I’ll post when I think I’ve identified everything and found the best prices. In the meantime, get the two whelping and puppy care books written by Myra Savant-Harris. Amazon has them. They are plainly written and not huge tomes. They will become your whelping Bible.
You will not regret getting the Myra Savant-Harris books – They are awesome! Good luck with the whelp! When is Phoebe due?
Puppies are due the week of September 21st. We did four breedings over five days, so will determine the due date based in large part on another x-ray a week from tomorrow.
I love my kiddie pool for a whelping box (which reminds me that I need to go buy a new one) with the expen and curtains. Phoebe should be happy in her own corner of the world. Sounds like you have everything in order. I love Myra’s books, set up my own warming/storage box for supplies, so everything is together. Phoebe will be fine, and I can’t wait to see the pretty babies!
Oh I’m getting so excited…crossing fingers for HEALTHY puppies, girls are a bonus of course!
Wow—can wait for the pups and the article. I just got my welcome packet from the CWCCA (uh, I joined in February, but better late than never, huh?) and now have a lot of neat things…..decal, brochure, and the Illustrated Standard. Will make waaaaay more sense to me know I am sure.