a October 5th, 2009

  1. Oct. 5th – In Which Holmes & Watson Solve a Mystery

    October 5, 2009 by myeye

    It’s certainly piqued our curiosity — where the puppy food comes from.  A mysterious woman appears at the side of the nursery and removes our mother.  She opens a door and mother is gone.  Then the woman smooths the pad in our pool and sets a table with a divided crystal bowl.  It contains a delicious meal that we happily consume.  She comes to us four times a day at just the times we are hungriest.  Today we could hear her before we saw her.  We could hear a clinking sound of metal against glass.

    Lucky she got here before we starved 10-5-09It’s lucky she got here before we starved

    Stay on your side of the line 10-5-09Stay on your side of the line

    Slippery When Wet 10-5-09This stuff is really slippery

    How long do we have 10-5-09How long before she takes this away?

    Every last bite 10-5-09I’m going to get every last bite

    Sumo Wrestling 10-5-09Okay, I’m done.  Are you?

    You know, Holmes, we’ll never figure out where the food comes from if you don’t get off of me.

    Sorry, my good man.  It seemed the right thing to do.

    . . . TO BE CONTINUED . . .

  2. A Quick Word on Mandatory Spay/Neuter Laws

    October 5, 2009 by myeye

    The Louisville Kennel Club sued the City of Louisville/Jefferson County over the provisions of a Mandatory Spay/Neuter Ordinance.  The case wended its way through the Court and a decision has finally been reached.  An article about the decision appears here.  The author is not correct that this case controls across the US.  The Country is divided first into Districts, and this is a District Court decision.  The country is further divided into twelve Circuits, and each Circuit may make its own decision on cases from Districts within its area — though a well-reasoned opinion is always helpful.  This opinion would become the law of the land only if it was appealed to the Circuit Court in which Kentucky resides, and then appealed to the US Supreme Court which either refused to hear the case — which leaves in effect the Court of Appeals’ opinion as the prevailing law, or did agree to hear the case and then affirmed the Court of Appeals.  The link to the actual decision, is the first link within the article — for those of you who love to read legaleze.