It’s not the 4th of July and it’s not the anniversary of Paul Revere’s Midnight Ride — nope. It’s the second birthday of the Freedom Litter. Today Ace, Bogie, Clem, Eagle, Feather, Golda, Heather, Ikey and Jiggers are two years old. What a wonderful second year of life they’ve had.
My Ikey better known to readers as “Chase”, didn’t go to a lot of dog shows this year, but he made the most of the ones he attended. Chase went to the CWCCA National Specialty in Topeka in April. He was second in Sweepstakes and was pulled out in Best of Breed. He and his beautiful sister Dolly joined their father CH Merrymoon Firestorm (Hunter) in the Stud Dog class. Hunter came out the winner — best darned stud dog of the year. Then Chase joined his beautiful mom Alice (CH Mariel Reese’s Alice Springs ROMb) and his brother — the flying Pilot — in the Brood Bitch class. His Mom was named Best Brood Bitch for this year. There was no doubt about that outcome.
From Topeka Chase went to Canada with his G-Ma Shelley. She entered him in some shows and showed him herself. He earned his Canadian Championship in five straight shows going Winners Dog, Best of Winners, and Best of Opposite Sex to the incomparable Dolly. While in Ontario, Chase introduced the other dogs in Shelley’s house to the Miracle-Mud Resort and Spa. Undoubtedly Shelley will always be grateful to him for that.
Chase made his way back to Albuquerque in early June — from north of Toronto to Buffalo NY to Newark NJ to Houston TX, and, finally, home to Albuquerque. He immediately began serious obedience training and entered three trials over Labor Day weekend. He handily earned his RN title with great scores and a second and a third place in Rally Novice B.
I became concerned that the exuberant Chase had forgotten how to be a conformation dog, so entered him at the Valencia Valley Shows held on October 10th and 11th. That second day was an affirmation that (if you gave him the “Stand” command) he could still be a show dog. He was selected for Best of Breed over a top Cardigan Special and went on to take a Herding Group IV.
. . . and he sired his first litter — the very cute Holmes and Watson. It was such a good year.
Next on the agenda: Chase is entered in an American Temperament Test Society Test next Saturday. If he doesn’t mug the friendly stranger, I think he’ll be fine.
For the rest of his third year of life — more obedience training and tracking practice, maybe some more puppies, but for absolute certain, without any doubt, more couch and bed time, more hanging out at the office time, more romping with his housemates, more cuddling with me while we read or watch TV — and always adoring Adrienne.