a October 22nd, 2009

  1. Awwww October 22nd – Ears

    October 22, 2009 by myeye

    Both boyz are trying for ears.  Watson has actually walked around with his right ear up for minutes at a time.  They both have the ears puffed out.  I love it when they get them up — at whatever angle.  It’s the first chance to really see the entire shape.

    Sorry about my hand in this one.  I was trying to keep Watson from falling over backwards.  He does that regularly.

    Watson ears 10-22-09

    Holmes is trying as well.  It’s also his right ear that is sometimes signaling to the skies.  This is the puppy that would use a finger if he had one.

    Holmes ears 10-22-09

    Picture-taking is getting more and more difficult because there is only one of me and they are fast.  I say, “Wow!  How cute!”  Then the digital flashes and I have only an empty photo.  I can’t sneak up on them because the big dogs want to know why I’m crawling across the carpet.  The boyz have good hearing as well.  So, I’ll be posting a lot of accidental photos I’m afraid — or photos of them sleeping.

    Sleepy boy 10-22-09

    Saturday my neighbor will help me get 5-week old stacked photos, and next Saturday, Adrienne will be here to assist.