4 Weeks Old Today

October 17, 2009

My official photographer is here this morning — that would be my granddaughter Adrienne.  So we broke out the stacking box and started the puppies on the road to showdom.  Jeri, I do not know how you got photos of nine.  Holmes and Watson were not really uncooperative, I was just asking them to do too many things with too many body parts all at once.  Here are the best.  It’s a start.

Watson Face 10-17-09This is one pretty cute little face

Watson Stack1 10-17-09Well, we want to know how the parts go together — right?

Holmes Face 10-17-09I love this little Holmes face

Holmes Stack2 10-17-09Next time we’ll get the rear feet straighter

Happy Birthday Dad 10-17-09Happy Birthday, Daddy

p.s.  Holmes downed his first chicken neck this morning.  Watson still thinks that’s a little gross!


  1. C-Myste says:

    Oh look, little teeny show dogs.

    Happy birthday, Chase. I can hardly believe you guys are two.

    But Molly says she’s still “the puppy”.

  2. Jeri says:

    Easy, at this age I was still holding them under their butts. 🙂 And Heidi donated many fingers to the cause as well. It usually took us most of her her lunch hour to get the pictures.

    They look great! Handsome boys, both. Happy Birthday Uncle Chase!

  3. Traci says:

    awww – they’re growing up so fast! Such adorable widdle faces!! 🙂
    And Happy Birthday Uncle Chase!!! We hope you get a special treat (tho not from that box you’re in in the picture! 😉 )

  4. Mandy says:

    They look very nice for 4 weeks!

    Omg the kids are two? Pie is a perpetual puppy…

  5. Awwwwwww. It is probably a good thing I am too far away to visit. I might be sneaking out wearing a squirming bulgy coat……… 🙂

    It’s a problem that there are just the two of them, though. You’re more likely to notice before I could make my getaway than if there were nine or ten………… 🙂

    Happy Birthday, Chase et al!

  6. Carol says:

    Happy b-day, Chase!

  7. Holly says:

    Happy Barkday Chase. Your pups are beautiful!

  8. Kathy says:

    The photo of Chase with his boys is really wonderful! What a great birthday gift – two healthy, handsome sons!

    Happy Birthday Chase!