Awwww October 26th

October 26, 2009

Water Cooler - BestHolmes hanging out at the water cooler

Babies w Moose from KimEnjoying a cool toy from Auntie Kim

Phoebe w toy from KimPhoebe’s toy unless she wants Chase’s

Chase w duck from KimIt’s flat, it has a squeaker, Phoebe keeps taking it

We received a care package from the Pacific Northwest.  Thank you so much, Kim.  The toys went to the appropriate dogs/puppies.  Inca just wants the treats, and I’m headed to the store for some tortilla chips to scoop up salsa.


  1. Sandy says:

    It’s amazing the quality $4 toys I have found at Walmart… for an adult Greyhound with an A+ prey drive…probably safe for little pup too!

  2. Kim says:

    The pups seem to love the rope toys with the hard plastic center. I figured the flattened buzzard would be a safe bet for Chase, and cookies for the red princess!

    • myeye says:

      If Phoebe a/k/a the great toy thief wasn’t still here, the plan would have been perfect. However, she gathers all toys.

  3. Kate says:

    Isn’t she the best? When we both finally turn lesbian we’re running away together.

  4. Traci says:

    ah yes, yet another trait that my Phoebe clone gets from her mother… toy hording… *sigh* Cute kids – awesome presents… auntie Kim is awesome!!! 🙂