Elyan C-Myste The Game Is Afoot

October 4, 2009

After we came up with the great name for Watson “Elementary My Dear Watson”, my brain (which is so sloggy right now) was alerting me to the fact that there is another Holmes phrase that I really liked, but I couldn’t dredge it up.  Kathy found it and sent it on.  So, Abel is now “Holmes”.  “The Game Is Afoot” will work whether he is in conformation or agility or tracking or herding.  Thank you Kathy!

Holmes face 10-4-09Holmes: Mystery-Solving Puppy

Holmes snoozing 10-4-09Resting up for the first adventure


  1. Kathy says:

    Holmes and Watson…perfect! There’s a reason that there were two! Certainly no one would have wanted to be Moriarty!

  2. Carol says:

    GREAT names! I approve!!

  3. Julie says:

    Love the name choice! Look at the sleepy pup with his big belly.